
     My new work room is finished! Well... almost. All that's left is furnishing and decorating! If you haven't seen what it looked like before check out This Post.

Gosh it was a ton of work, just cleaning out all the junk in the room probably took over a week, then ripping out all the old trimming, carpet, and plastering all the holes took forever. But painting and putting in the new floor was pretty fun because that's when it all started coming together and looking beautiful!

And here it is! I'm in love with the floors, I'll need to get a better picture of the gorgeous detail in it when I show you the completely finished room. A huge thank you to my amazing parents for helping me with all of it and letting me use the room! ♥

     So now I'm working on re-staining my old kitchen table to use as a work table. It seriously took me like 3 days just to sand it down, and then the stain that was supposed to be a dark grey turned out a medium bluish green color. I don't have much experience with staining wood but I'm hoping I can just sand it down a tiny bit and coat it with a darker brown almost black stain. We'll see how that goes lol 

     See you soon with some more exciting news! ♥


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Yelena Ivy | 22 | Hobby Collector